Streaming movie on a TV screen

Movie Streaming Data


The movie streaming data calculator lets you know exactly how much data of streaming is needed to watch your next movie in 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K, and 8K.

Streaming movie on a TV screen

Movie Streaming Data


The movie streaming data calculator lets you know exactly how much data of streaming is needed to watch your next movie in 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K, and 8K.


Example of

How Many Gigs to Stream Movie

No matter if you prefer to watch movies on Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime or Disney+, you can find examples here based on the video quality.

1 hour movie
60 min
Resolution Gigs/min
480p 0.5
720p 1.5
1080p 3
2K 5.4
4k 14
8k 54
1 hour and a half movie
90 min
Resolution Gigs/min
480p 0.75
720p 2.25
1080p 4.5
2K 8.1
4k 21
8k 81
2 hours movie
120 min
Resolution Gigs/min
480p 1
720p 3
1080p 6
2K 10.4
4k 28
8k 108

Streaming Data Usage Calculator Tool

Cannot find the movie or TV show you are looking for? Try the video data calculator to find out how much data is required for streaming based on the video resolution.

  • icon 8k video streaming
  • 8K


  • 4k video streaming icon
  • 4K


  • icon online gaming
  • 2K


  • hd video streaming icon
  • 1080p


  • icon streamin HD video
  • 720p


  • icon streaming video
  • 480p


The difference between streaming a movie in 4k and in 8k?

The difference between streaming a movie in 4k than in 8k is exponential in terms of data. See by yourself with the infographic below. Let's take Avenger Endgame movie as an example. Each circle represents the amount of streaming data necessary to watch it in different resolutions.

Diffetence between 8k and 4k for Avengers Endgame

Data-Saving Power Tips!

  • Quality Control: Downscale to SD—crisp visuals, crispier data savings!
  • Plan Ahead Wi-Fi downloads = repeat fun without the data drama.
  • Focus One stream at a time—your bandwidth will go further, faster!

Media Streaming FAQ

  • Ted Tayler Mobo Telecom
  • about the author

    Ted Taylor, better known as Mr. Mobo, is a telecom analyst and columnist. Mr. Mobo advises consumers on everything related to telecommunications.

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  • icon Show TV

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